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Adolescent Clinic

adolescent clinic

Adolescence is a time for young people to redefine their place in the family, peer groups, and the larger community. During this formative stage of their lives, they struggle with the overwhelming transition from childhood to adulthood.

They have to cope with physical changes, peer pressure, and increased expectations from family members, teachers, and other adults. They establish patterns of behavior and make lifestyle choices that affect both their current and future health.

Without proper guidance, they may fall victim to behaviors that place them, and others, at a huge risk of motor vehicle crashes, violence, drug abuse, and sexual misbehavior.

Physical maturation resulting from puberty produce sexual cravings, sometimes leading to serious consequences like teenage pregnancies. Adolescents are neither mentally and emotionally prepared to handle the feelings and emotions that accompany sex, nor are financially capable of supporting growing families.

At this tender age, there is also a greater probability of developing mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, eating disorders such as anorexia, and depression. Worse, volatile emotions or lack of emotional intelligence may also lead to youth crime.

At Gupte Hospital, we impart effective adolescent education to protect these young people from HIV/STD infections. Through value-based sex education programs, we strive to minimize unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases to the extent possible.

Our sex education is not based on mere sermons, we individually address concerns and anxieties.

We not only teach science; we also teach how to become responsible for one’s actions!

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